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Based on the Klimatrilogie by Thomas Köck

Premiere 29th October 2021at Onassis Stegi 

“Paradise” isn’t just another performance – it’s a scathing planetary evacuation alert. Don’t try to help anyone else. Think only of yourselves. You know you can.

The work’s surging language – a flood in and of itself – brings relics of rampant capitalist consumption onto the stage in waves, washing away the history, the present, and the future of humankind in a satirical frenzy.

Taking inspiration from the sweeping “Climate Trilogy” that Thomas Köck – one of the most important playwrights of the younger generation – wrote about the environmental destruction of planet Earth, this up-and-coming director sets out a timeline of events that refute capitalist modes of production.

How close are we to irreversible environmental damage? And, moreover, how did we arrive at this point? The sun now shines forty percent hotter and floodwaters have covered the entire surface of the Earth, carrying off the few remaining survivors, who float in among the trash, amid their memories and thwarted hopes. A furious mob from the future appears before us to mourn our lost paradise.


Text Thomas Köck
Direction Katerina Giannopoulou
Translation & Dramaturgy Greg Liakopoulos
Original Music Yannis Veslemes
Set Design & Costumes Niki Psychogiou 
Lights Design Christina Thanasoula 
Set Design / Costume & Light Design Assistant Marietta Pavlaki 
Set Construction Thomas Marias  
Live Camera Yorgos Kyvernitis 
Video Kostis Charamountanis 
Scientific Consultants 
Dr . Christos Varvantakis , Efthimis Theou 
Hairstyles Konstantinos Koliousis 
Assistant to Director Efi Christodoulopoulou
Production Management Serafeim Radis, Vasia Attarian 
Photos Dimitris Michalakis 

Giorgos Kissandrakis, Gogo Papaioannou, Dimitra Paraskelidou, Michalis Pitidis, Vasilis Safos, Maria Filini 

With the support of Goethe Institut Athens 

© 2023 Katerina Giannopoulou.

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